An idea to establish a Press Club in Jammu was conceived way back in January, 1992, in the glowing minds of a few Jammu based young working Journalists. These young men had imagined a full fledged Press Club in the City of temples, where, their colleagues could sit and find ways for the betterment of their fraternity and also create infrastructure for their recreation after their tiring professional and hectic activities. The veteran journalists of the state supported their cause and came forward to guide the young journalists.
Hence, to seek the guidance, a meeting of the stalwarts of the journalistic field like, Mr S.P Sahni, Mr. Ved Bhasin, Mr S D Rohmetra, Mr Balraj Puri, Mr. Shyam Koul, Mr. M. L. Kak, Mr. R. C. Ganjoo, Mr. Mr. M. L. Koul, Mr. O. N. Koul, Ashwani Kumar, Mr. Ashok Handoo Mr. Sanjeev Pargal and Mr. Ashok Sodhi was held in the Tourist Reception Centre, Jammu on January, 09, 1992.
They constituted a Press Club Committee, consisting of five senior journalists, Mr. M. K. Bangroo, Mr. Raju Kerni, Mr. Manu Shrivatsa, Mr. Shakeel Akhtar and Mr. Kamal Rohmetra to keep liaison with the senior Government Officers and seek help from them to create the infrastructure for setting up of the Press Club in Jammu.
The Committee met the then Advisor to the Governor, Mr. Hamid Ullah Khan, Commissioner/ Secretary, Information, Mr. Vijay Bakaya, in this context and discussed the dire need of setting up of the Press Club in Jammu. The Committee, later met the then Governor, His Excellency, Mr. G. C. Saxena, who assured them of all the help to set up the Press Club.
A series of meetings were held between the five member committee constituted for the establishment of Press Club of Jammu, and various government representatives.
Meanwhile Press Club of Jammu was duly registered under Registrar of Societies Act in February 1999.
The then Chief Secretary Sheikh Ghulam Rasool however, came forward and sanctioned Press Club of Jammu—a small building consisting a hall and a small pantry was constructed by the Jammu and Kashmir Department of Information and Public Relations and was handed over to Press Club of Jammu.
Chief Secretary Sheikh Ghulam Rasool and the then Joint Director, DIPR, Mr K B Jandial, played a key role in setting up the Press Club of Jammu. The new building of Press Club Of Jammu was inaugurated by the then Governor Gen K V Krishna Rao on May, 22, 1995.
After three long years of struggle, the Press Club of Jammu was finally established with a score of its primary members. Later the number of members swelled gradually and this accommodation proved insufficient.
Again the then Government was approached with a request to handover the JDA's building non-functional India Coffee House near the existing hall of the Press Club of Jammu, which was later handed over to this Institution in April, 1997.
The existing JDA building was officially extended as Press Club of Jammu and was handed over by the then Chief Minister, Dr. Farooq Abdullah, on November, 12, 1997.
The Press Club of Jammu thereafter never looked back without any financial support from the government but with the wholehearted contribution of the members, the Club kept progressing and turned into a well established institution for the fraternity.